24/06/15: Agenda update
Added a few gigs to the schedule.
15/06/15: Gallery uploaded
Added the pictures of MOONLIGHT REVIVAL 2.0 (13/06/15). Thanks to all of you for this fantastic party!!!
02/06/15: Agenda update
Added a few gigs and a few flyer.
14/05/15: Gallery added
Uploaded the pictures of OLDIES NIGHT @ Ell (13/05/15).
05/05/15: Agenda update
Added a few public gigs to the agenda and uploaded a new gig overview. The gig of 23/05/15 @ Disco New Oldie is CANCELLED!
02/05/15: Gallery uploaded
Uploaded the pictures of JUST WHITNEY @ AM DEPOT Diekirch (01/05/15).
01/05/15: Gallery uploaded
Uploaded the pictures of yesterdays' party ONLY 80'S @ Hosingen.
19/04/15: Moonlight Revival
Tickets are out now, so added the places where to buy pre-sale tickets.
19/04/15: Gallery and gig overview uploaded, agenda updated
Uploaded the pictures of 80s PARTY @ FEULEN (18/04/15), uploaded a new gig overview and added a few gigs to the agenda.
12/04/15: Agenda updated, gallery uploaded
Updated the agenda and uploaded the pictures of yesterdays disco party.