Thanks to all of you for an amazing year 2013 at several partys and I hope to meet you again in 2014.
30/12/13: Gig overview
Uploaded a new gig overview.
22/12/13: Gallery uploaded
Uploaded the pictures of this Saturday Night Party @ Am Daul, Préizerdaul.
2013 12 21 Disco Am Daul, Préizerdaul
19/12/13: Agenda update
Updated a few gig informations.
15/12/13: Gallery uploaded
Uploaded the pictures of Après-Ski Party @ Asselborn.
9/12/13: Gallery uploaded
Uploaded the pictures of Rudy's 80's Party @ Mertzig.
9/12/13: Agenda update
Gig cancelled @ Napoléon, new gig overview uploaded.
2/12/13: Gig overview uploaded and updated, pictures uploaded
Uploaded a new gig overview, added a few new gigs and uploaded some pictures of this edition of Änneres Maart.
27/11/13: Agenda update
Added a few new gigs in 2014.
19/11/13: Agenda update
Added a gig on 27/02/2014 @ Wilwerdange.